Wednesday, May 27

Session 2!

My favourite piece of technology is my cell phone. I got this mobile phone when i was 14 years old just when i was going to high school. Actually this is my second mobile phone, the first one I used about 6 years even the company call me that i need to change my cell phone and when they doing some repairs i didn't have signal ajajajaja. So this year i change the electronic machine.

The cell phone is so basic that i use to make calls and send messages to my family and friends. Also i can take some photos but the quality is really bad =P. But i don't care i love my cell :). I use always because is the only connection in a easy way to comunicate with the people i want, more if i'm so far from home.

Maybe if i didn't have a cell phone i will survive, but it's make me a little more complicated try to find a person if i need now =P or if they try to find me.


  1. hi ferni!!! i agree with you, it is very important especially for you, i mean, when you are far away form your family you need to be in contact :)

  2. also is my favorite piece of techonology =)... see you... byee.

  3. ooh Ferni your older movile was so... old? jajaja the newest is great! jijiji
    se you at the College.. kisses
    goodbye! :)

  4. wouuw coni great post! hahaha
    your new cell is really cute!!
    cell phones rules!
